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A cool shower
On a hot, humid morning, a stunning, gorgeous babe don in a high waist bikini, leisurely walk in the patio to enjoy the sun. As she seats in the chair, the blazing sun makes her sweat, and slowly she takes off her white shirt and bikini top. She is topless, flaunting her taut, tender, well-formed tits, just for you. She cups her medium size tits, plays with them, and gives you a warm smile that is worth a thousand dollars. She takes a hose sprays cold water on her silken, luxurious body, her tits become firmer, and her nipples attract more attention as it stiffens.
She is completely nude, seating under the sun, but she walks around wiggling her round, supple buttocks. She continues the shower, to cool herself; she reveals her wet sweet pussy, runs around jiggling her well proportionate, spicy buttocks. She cools herself, but the blazing heat of her sensuous beauty soars the temperature around you. She stands in front of you with thousand little diamonds sparkling on her smooth silken skin, sensuality oozing out from every pore. The naked siren in the glowing sun, baffle you, startle you.